Lautier, J. P., Pozdnyakov, V., Yan, J. (2024). On the convergence of credit risk in current consumer automobile loans. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, Accepted. [github]
Lautier, J. P., Grosser, S., Kim, J., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2024). Clustering plasma concentration-time curves: applications of unsupervised learning in pharmacogenomics. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Forthcoming.
Lautier, J. P., Pozdnyakov, V., Yan, J. (2024). On the maximum likelihood estimation of a discrete, finite support distribution under left-truncation and competing risks. Statistics and Probability Letters, 207, 109973.
Lautier, J. P., Pozdnyakov, V., Yan, J. (2023). Estimating a discrete distribution subject to random left-truncation with an application to structured finance. Econometrics and Statistics, Forthcoming.
Lautier, J. P., Pozdnyakov, V., Yan, J. (2023). Pricing time-to-event contingent cash-flows: A discrete-time survival analysis approach. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 110, 53-71.
[2022 American Statistical Association Student Paper Award]
Cohen, J. P., Friedt, F. L., Lautier, J. P. (2022). The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on New York City real estate: First evidence. Journal of Regional Science, 62, 858–888. [get_data]
[1] Lautier, J. P., Pozdnyakov, V., Yan, J. (2024). Estimating the time-to-event distribution for loan-level data within a consumer auto loan asset-backed security. [github]
[2] Lautier, J. P, Grosser, S., Kim, J., Kim, J. (2024). pkDip: A new dissimilarity measure for clustering plasma concentration time curves.
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